Such as: The skeletonized corpse of Roger Linus! This may not be the first thing on your list, but it's one of those easy and fun customs that are possible thanks to the Mego revival.I sloppy-drybrush painted some brown acrylic paint onto a Classic TV Toys Skeleton and soaked my handmade Dharma Jumpsuit in coffee grounds to give it that aged rotted look. The beer cans are 3/8" dowel with grey painted ends and a printed sticker wrapped around it.

This is an easy and fun "kitbash" I have been wanting to do since I spotted the skeleton on their website. Classic TV Toys is a company that began making Mego reproductions and new figures almost 10 years ago. They still have a large backstock of clothing, bodies and accessories at dirt cheap prices. I'll be sharing a lot of CTVT product with you in the future.
freaken awesome!! you have really inspired me.
ReplyDeleteand thank you so much for your work on mego museum.
thank you