Water Bottles! Where would we be withoutWrestling figures? They are close enough to Mego scale that their props are a gold mine. I wondered to myself if they might not have water bottles that I could stick Oceanic or Ajira labels on---and lo and behold, Classic Tv Toys (which also has a wrestling toy business) has them for 3 for $5 or better yet 7 for $10! Throw them in with your custom order.
Handguns! Famously, everyone on Lost knows how to use a handgun with authority, so why don't the figures come with them? Bummer. Thankfully, the heroic Dr. Mego has this weapons set for only $8. Six guns, a pair of glasses, sunglasses, a knife and a watch and well, I think it's a Star Trek weapon or something. Done deal!
The eyeglasses are a bit ridiculous for Lost figures, too heavy and cartoonish. The sunglasses are a bit better.
You can also often find Mego sized guns in cheap dollar store action figures.
Connect 4! I wasn't crazy (heh) about Hurley coming dressed in his Santa Rosa hospital outfit until I saw these miniature Connect 4 party favors on eBay. Sadly, at 3 x 2 inches they are too big to be 1:9 scale, but they are so neat it's close enough for me. What a cool and fun prop! I'm thinking of grabbing some folding chairs and a table from CTVT to make a Santa Rosa game room display. Along the same lines a basketball (the HORSE scene with Jack) would be nice. There are a few possibilities, I'm looking for a reliable source.
Knives! BBP's John Locke comes with his own knife, but Castaway Toys makes one that is a little more detailed and accurate. It comes paired with a dagger that is a reasonable match for Man In Black's ancient Roman pugio. There's the black Mego Tarzan Knife in Doc Mego's weapons assortment as well. Also check Dollar store toys for cheap Mego scaled weapons.
Meanwhile, some of us at the Mego Museum have been discussing the best way to make John Locke's knife case.
POLAR BEARS! Safari Toys makes a 10.5 inch long polar bear that should pretty much be in scale to Megos. It's realistic, if not especially ferocious looking...
The folks at Hunter Dan made a great angry polar bear in 1:9 scale, but he's been discontinued and is expensive when he comes up on eBay. Hunter Dan himself would make a good freighter goon, by the way.