Today is the tenth anniversary of what remains, despite everything that has been said since the finale, my favorite TV show of all time.
After 4 years I finally have finished my Flight 815 playset. If you followed the original blog posts you know I took a 1973 Barbie Friendship, one of the all-time greatest vinyl carrying case playsets and wrapped it in custom printed vinyl graphics. The big hang-up was seating, which I recently overcame when I picked up spare seats form 1990s Barbie planes. Overall I really love it. My only quibble is the overhead compartments are too high, which I might fix, but I like the extra headroom for placing figures.
After 4 years I finally have finished my Flight 815 playset. If you followed the original blog posts you know I took a 1973 Barbie Friendship, one of the all-time greatest vinyl carrying case playsets and wrapped it in custom printed vinyl graphics. The big hang-up was seating, which I recently overcame when I picked up spare seats form 1990s Barbie planes. Overall I really love it. My only quibble is the overhead compartments are too high, which I might fix, but I like the extra headroom for placing figures.
I think this is it for Lost Mego projects. I have loved sharing the work with my Lostie friends and I am glad to share my office with my Lost Mego displays. Namaste, brothers!